Stockwell Methodist Church

Stockwell Methodist Church
44-50 Jeffreys Road, Stockwell,
London SW4 6QX

Pastoral Oversight:        Rev. Rita King

Sunday Worship:           10:30 a.m. 

Bible Studies: Wednesday 7.30pm on Zoom


Joint Springfield and Stockwell Prayer Meeting: Thursday 7.30 pm on Zoom


Bus Route: 50, 88, 155, 345, P5 (Union Road stop)

Underground and Train Stations:

Stockwell Station on the Victoria and Northern Line

Clapham High Street Station on South Western Railway

Directions:                         See map below





Stockwell Methodist Church is the successful union of two Methodist churches in 1935, Paradise Road (1860) and Studley Road Wesleyan Methodist (1862).  The church in Paradise Road (United Methodist) was converted into Stockwell Methodist Institute (Stockwell Methodist Church) and was the centre of the Sunday School and most of the youth work.  Worship was at the Studley Road Church.

Before the union, the churches shared a joint Sunday School that was held at Paradise Road until the outbreak of war in 1939 when the children were evacuated.  During the war the buildings in Paradise Road and Studley Road were repeatedly bombed but the congregations bravely continued to meet in whatever part of the building could be used.  The worst happened when the buildings were destroyed in 1944 and they were left  without a place of worship or mission.

In this time of dire need, members of Trinity Presbyterian Church, Clapham Road offered to share the limited space in their war damaged building with them.  The Methodist met in the afternoon and held evening services when things quietened down.  The Sunday School and other weekly children’s work - Girls’ Life Brigade, Scouts, Cubs etc. restarted as soon as it became possible.  The youth work was carried out in two London County Council schools and in a squash court in Priory Grove.

After the war, every effort was made to acquire a site and erect a building that would meet their needs. This was not straightforward as the whole area was being re-planned.  Eventually the congregation had to lobby the council to give them the piece of land on Jeffreys Road where the church now stands.  A temporary building (now the Pop-In) was erected at the back of the property for worship and children’s work.  It was opened on 29th October 1949 during Revd. Frederick E. Poad’s ministry.  A large Nissen hut was erected for youth work and the children and youth ministry continued.  The present church building was the last to be built and was dedicated in 1958. 

There is a peace garden that was dedicated in memory of the saints who fought to re-build the church. A lunchoen club was set up and served the community for a good number of years.  Over the years, parts of the building fell into disrepair and had to be refurbished.  The Pop-In was renovated and reopened in 2009.  The main hall and other rooms were refurbished in 2019 with other areas yet to be done.  Most of the children and youth work thrived until the Pop-In was being refurbished in the early 2000s.  When Springfield church was being redeveloped, the congregation joined Stockwell until the new church opened in 2009.

The congregation is multiethnic, mainly from West Africa and the Caribbean and some very dedicated workers.  We meet on Thursday evenings for Prayer and Thanksgiving and on Friday evenings for Bible Study.  Methodist Women in Britain: Meet 1st Wednesday of every month.  Their annual event brings in professionals from every background to highlight and address different issues including health issues affecting our wider communities.