Circuit Children & Youth Group
Saturday, 27th July 2024
Circuit Children and Youth Family Day at Wey Island. Mark your calendars for a day of canoeing, kayaking,
crafts and outdoor worship.
Friday-Sunday, 4th-6th October 2024
3Generate- a Methodist Children and Youth Gathering in Birmingham.
Contact: Rev. Kristin Markay on 07935 569004

Photos/Images used with permission from the Event Manager: Chris Parker
Circuit Children & Youth attended 3 Generate

Children & Youth Activity @ Railton Road Methodist Church

Children & Youth Picnic

Space for Young People to enjoy a variety of activities, develop their faith and just relax together.

Consultation Meeting of Parents & Youth Group

Outdoor Activities for the Youth Group

Our Youth group trying their skills in the kitchen

Our Circuit Children and Youth group are steadily meeting and planning different fun activities in our Circuit with the help of dedicated parents and volunteers. We encourage our church members to support the Circuit Children & Youth group by encouraging their children to regularly join our events and activities. The fellowship with fellow youth would strengthen and keep their faith alive and the presence and guidance of our dedicated volunteers will keep them safe.
For all the ways that we are trying to help our young people in the Lambeth Circuit to develop, thrive and discover themselves in God, we sincerely ask for your continued prayers for them. We could do with more people getting involve who can help and share their skills and talents for our Circuit Children & Youth group - everyone is welcome.
For more informationto join call, text or email:
Rev. Kristin Markay on 07935 569004
Janet Oppong on 07941 677414